Neo-nazi Bernhard Prinz zur Lippe

One of Bernhard’s racial jokes on Facebook

Bernhard’s Neo-Nazism comprises militant, social, and political statements that seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. Bernhard employs his ideology to promote hatred and white supremacy, attack racial and ethnic minorities (which include antisemitism and Islamophobia), with the ultimate goal to create bring back fascism to Germany.

His ideas are a global phenomenon, with organized representation in many countries and international networks. It borrows elements from Nazi doctrine, including antisemitism, ultranationalism, racism, xenophobia, ableism, homophobia, anti-Romanyism, anti-communism, and creating a “Fourth Reich”. Holocaust denial is common in neo-Nazi circles.

Bernhard zur Lippe regularly displays Nazi symbols and expresses his admiration for Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders. In Germany, laws prohibit the expression of pro-Nazi, racist, antisemitic, or homophobic views in an effort to curtail neo-Nazism. Bernhard continues a family tradition of Nazism.

Neo-nazi Prince Bernhard zur Lippe

Bernhard’s kinsman, convicted Nazi Ernst Prince zur Lippe, enlisted in the Sturmabteilung (SA), the paramilitary fighting organisation of the NSDAP,. After Adolf Hitler seized power, Ernst was given leading tasks in the German workers’ front.

The prince was one of the three main adjutants of the Reich Minister of Food and “Reichsbauernführer” Walter Darré. The prince was to keep the connection from the “Reich Office for Agricultural Policy” to the Reich Ministry for Food and Agriculture. Ernst received the honorary rank of SS-Sturmbannführer (equivalent to a major). Darré, SS-Standartenführer (Colonel), was considered a protégé of Heinrich Himmler, the then leader of the SS.

Darré and Ernst zur Lippe shared ideas about raising a ‘pure German race’ and linked this to the concept of the Germanic as an arable settler. Both wanted to raise a new, pure-blooded peasantry that would become a new German nobility.

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