New false order by Ahnume Guerios aka “Prince Gharios”: the so-called “Equestrian Order of Saint Sergius”

Order theft

Recently, a new false knightly order has seen the light, claiming to be the oldest order of knighthood in the world. The “Equestrian Order of Saint Sergius”, a creation by Ahnume Guerios aka “Prince Gharios”, is a copy of the the Orden Nobiliaria de San Sergio, which is governed by the imperial Austrian House of Habsburg.

The website of the false “Equestrian Order of Saint Sergius” states that its main purpose is to provide financial support to the fake “Royal House of Ghassan”, which is now almost bankrupt. The real Shihab dynasty is annoyed by activities of the fake “Prince Gharios”, who has mafia connections and extorted innocent members of his fake order to donate money.

The newly invented order is trying in every measure to represent itself as a legitimate and recognised order of Saint Sergius. The organisation has no connection whatsoever with the original Orden Nobiliaria de San Sergio of the imperial Habsburg family. The Habsburg family does not recognise any historical or legal legitimacy of the “Equestrian Order of Saint Sergius” which takes advantage of the names and emblems of the original Orden Nobiliaria de San Sergio by using it for financial ends.

Caution is strongly recommended when considering proposals or appeals from organisations claiming to be the Order de San Sergio. Please have their authenticity confirmed by the Magisterial Council. For a complete list of the Order’s entities and their contact details, please visit the ‘Contacts’ section of this web site.

We thank a reader of this website for his contribution.

One thought on “New false order by Ahnume Guerios aka “Prince Gharios”: the so-called “Equestrian Order of Saint Sergius”

  1. Wow! My sources keep on delivering terrific stuff! Even when they don’t have juicy “inside” scoops, they direct me to the right places to find great public information that “Prince Fantasy” himself posts. I must give him credit for being the most shameless, brazen conman I have ever encountered. He makes no mystery of what he wants; he doesn’t bother hiding his greed; he barely camouflages his schemes. He simply openly and constantly ASKS FOR MONEY. His Delusional Highness is a marketing genius, and everything he does, offers, or proposes, involves DONATIONS to his “Foundation” or his “Royal House”. I previously discussed his phony Order and how he sells his worthless Knighthoods to unsuspecting people. Well, from what I have learned, it gets better! There is a second Order that you can be Knighted in for the proper donation amount. It is the Equestrian Order of Saint Sergius. So, let’s first look at some history. Of course, as is usual with Prince Scammer, he doesn’t always totally invent all his creations, but often simply appropriates existing entities (with a few “historical adjustments”). There actually is a legitimate Order of Saint Sergius. It is known as The Noble Order of Saint Sergius, and it is affiliated to the Court of Cantabria, Kingdom of Spain. The Order also functions as the Lieutenancy for the countries of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. History records two more “Saint Sergius”: One was Saint Sergius, who was Pope (Sergius I) from 904 to 911 AD, and the other, Saint Sergius of Radonezh (1314 – 1392), who was declared Patron Saint of Russia in 1422. As anyone can clearly see, the St. Sergius Order peddled by His Imperial Fakeness has no basis in real history, it is another of his shameless fabrications.
    But what makes this particular scam amazingly comical, is the way it was promoted to his gullible audience when it was recently “launched”, here it is: If you were already a “Knight” in his Order of Michael Archangel, you were offered (For a Limited Time Only!) a Special Deal, and you could become an instant “Knight” in the Order of San Sergius for half price! But this 50% off Special Sale was good for only 30 days! So, hurry and send your check! – Credit Cards and PayPal also accepted – (Personally, I am waiting for Black Friday when I am sure he’ll run a “buy-one-get-one-free” sale). Unbelievable you say? It’s real enough, and you can check it out yourself on his blog. Selling Knighthoods as if they were T-Shirts. And by the way, if you are not able to be Knighted in person, no problem – no formal ceremony necessary – His Royal Majesty will mail you your certificate and medallion, and you even get free shipping! You can’t make this shit up! It boggles the mind to think that there are intelligent people out there who cannot see this as the ridiculous and despicable scam that it is. They say that in the end the truth always prevails…
    Will it, in this case? We can only hope.


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