Frederick “Freddie” Trowman-Rose

Freddie’s fake CV

Since August 2021, “Professor Trowman-Rose” is Chancellor of the Florida Diploma Mill “Catholic University of New Spain“, an initiative of the international flimflammer Otto von Feigenblatt. This fake University is registered in the State of Florida, United States of America as a private religious educational institution. Operating under Section 1005.06(1)(f), Florida Statutes and Rule 6E-5.001, Florida Administrative Code, the University is allowed to issue worthless degrees in counseling, christian studies, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.

“Professor” Trowman-Rose, “HE Marquis of Evora-Monte

If you’ve been deceived by Trowman-Rose’s false advertising, immediately request a refund of your money. Send him a registered letter explaining the deception and asking for a full refund. Make a copy of the letter you send for your own records. Chances are low that he’ll send the money back, but mailing the letter will provide you with documentation you may need in the future.

File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Filing will help warn other potential students about the diploma mill school. It takes just a few minutes and can be done completely online.

You should also file a complaint with your state’s attorney general office ( The office will read complaints and may choose to investigate the diploma mill school.